Wood (sic) You Believe It? A Job That Is Easier Than Expected. And One For Indiana Jones - 27 July, 2018

A nice mix of jobs today. First of all, got up late - no doubt because I had taken a sleeping tablet when the hot humid weather had kept me awake long enough. First task of the day - laundry and cleaning. Tim arrives tomorrow, to start looking at the electrics, and so I want things as fresh and clean as is practical. I set to it, cleaning the sinks, shower, loo etc. and washing sheets, towels and face-cloths - as well as the general laundry that has accumulated. I have to give it to Sally, I'd never really appreciated how much laundry accumulates and how quickly. I secure a set of garage shelves that were leaning precariously and then it is off to the boulangerie for some bread. I didn't eat properly yesterday and so had a decent breakfast and lunch today - including a bier (as a result of which, despite rising late, I treated myself to a nap). Right! Main job of the day is supposed to be rubbing down the skirting and door frames on the first floor landing. As I am cont...