Groundhog Day - 17 July, 2018

Today has been pretty much a repeat of yesterday - but as yesterday should have been.

Today I succeeded with  the jobs I had failed miserably with yesterday. If yesterday was one of the 'crappiest' days I've had in a long time, today was one of the best.

The first difference is that I awoke feeling optimistic and fully motivated to get a good day's work done.

First job, get that leaky cistern fixed and see if the loo itself was leak free. The cistern was easily sorted by using two 'o' rings, one of the correct internal diameter and another of the correct external diameter. I didn't know if this unconventional arrangement it would work but it did. The main seal on the loo still seemed to be leaking but to hell with it, I simply applied some silicon sealant.

Right, with those two PITA jobs out of the way, I turned my attention to finishing rubbing down the window-frame and pipe work in the shower room. First task, remove the radiator. It is one of those old 'school' style radiators. I've removed the more modern type many times but this would be a first for this style - looked simple enough though. I turned off the radiator inlet, put a tray under the outlet and undid its nut. Nothing. Clearly the pipe was 'stuck' to the inlet so a whack or two with a neoprene hammer and...

... I get showered from head to toe as the water squirts out with quite some force - just imagine it as a scene from a Laurel and Hardy film and you'll have the idea.

I bail the water repeatedly into a bucket (the tray is only small) but the flow doesn't seem to be slowing. Is the inlet closed I wonder? I decide to close the water off at the mains, If this slows the radiator's flow then it suggests I haven't succeeded in closing the radiator inlet. Fortunately it continues unabated; I simply need to be patient sand keep bailing (the floor is pretty wet by now).

Eventually the flow slows and then stops. I turn the mains on. The flow is still stopped - phew!

Uhm - my largest spanner doesn't fit the inlet nut and it treats my pipe-spanner with disdain. I jump on the bike and decide to do a circuit of the local supermarkets and bricolages in the hope one will have a large (over 200 mm) adjustable spanner. The first supermarket and the first DIY stores are a miss. The second DIY store has a 300 mm adjustable spanner for the princely sum of nearly €29! Needs must - sold!

The inlet nut succumbs to my new and mighty spanner. I lift the radiator of its stands and pour the last remaining water into the tray - heck but these things are incredibly heavy. If I repeat this exercise with one of the larger radiators in the house, it will definitely be a two person job.

With the radiator out of the way, I set to the window-fame and pipes. The pipes are horrid. They intertwine and run close to one-another which means they have trapped decades of dust and dead spiders. As I reach up to wash the high points, I feel the dirty water running down my arm and into my armpits - lovely.

Eventually the sanding and washing is done. I then repeat the exercise, on a much smaller scale, in the toilet.

Both rooms are now rather soggy so I will leave them to dry overnight.

In the meantime, earlier in the day I took delivery of five male plugs I ordered whilst still in the UK. Plugs seem very expensive here so I resorted to Amazon.  With the plugs here I was able to wire the amp, pre-amp and turntable I'd brought over from the UK. I'd not used the kit for a few years (the turntable is actually 1970's vintage - bought as a teenager and the only one I've ever owned). At first the kit didn't seem to be working - then I realised I hadn't actually wired up the speakers - doh! With the job done properly, everything worked fine - and sounded very good

I've brought over the our entire vinyl collection - which Sally and I started independently of each other, before we met. It is fairly eclectic and numbers around 150 LPs (and numerous singles). First on the turntable was Sgt Pepper - It seemed appropriate as it was the first (pop) LP I ever bought. This was followed by John Lennon, Elvis Costello, OMD, The Police and Split Enz (remember them).

With the work done I had a very necessary shower and felt good enough to attempt, once more, cooking a chilli con carne - wish me luck (I have bought a proper saucepan lid this time and re-arranged the hob to a more sensible location).

Tomorrow: Paint the shower room and toilet woodwork and pipes. I may even set to rubbing down and painting that radiator.


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