Went to Buy a Fridge Thermometer and Bought a Fridge, 16th July
Went for a nice stroll last night, after writing up
yesterday’s blog entry. Only through town, but the reverse direction to the
norm – which gave us a whole new perspective on the town’s layout and
A tradition in the old town is to attach a branch of
chestnut to the door to keep disease at bay. I’m sure its neither an illusion
nor a coincidence that more properties appear to be sporting them this year.
Anyhow, on to Thursday. Even more of a lie-in today. Sally
was up first, unusual, but I wasn’t up until just gone 0900. After breakfast,
the treat we’d promised ourselves – a trip to the tip. The old shower and
numerous old cardboard packing boxes filled the car. Got most of our rubbish
in, but we’ll need another trip, towards the end of the visit, to totally empty
the garage of rubbish.
Talking of this visit, we’re planning the next already.
Natasha, Tom and Serena want to visit in early September. I’ll book that week
as leave, and hopefully have the opportunity to work out here before and after
their visit.
On the way back from the decheterie, we popped into Intermarche to but a fridge thermometer – and left with a new fridge instead. The price was right, and it looks quite cute – being bright red and ‘vintage’. This will become the kitchen fridge and the old (if you can call 3 years old, old) fridge will move into the ‘study’ and become the drinks fridge.

(I fear we may have overdone the bottled water)
After lunch popped out to Supe-U on the pushbike to get some noodles and veg for the evening’s stir-fry. On arriving, I realised I’d not brought my covid-mask. First time in a shop without a mask for about 4-months; felt rightly guilty.
Back home and Sally was painting the wardrobes – looking really
nice and, after finishing a small amount of puttying, I drilled 4 beams and
laid the last length of cable for the top floor. Except, on ‘finishing’ I
realised I had another hole to drill in a 10” wide beam – that can wait for
another day. One lesson learned: Cheap spade drills are not as good as more
expensive ones. I had bought ½ a dozen Silverline drills that I was using
yesterday and most of today. Drilling with each for about 20 seconds, and then
swapping for another. Rotating through them to give them a chance to cool.
Towards the end of today, I used a Dewalt bit – couldn’t believe how easily it
cut through the wood. All that work I could have saved myself if I’d only spent
more (probably a fair bit more). No more Silverline bits for me.
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