French Delivery Schedules, Big Beds and Creamy Cheese - Saturday 2 June, 2018
I hadn’t set the alarm, as I planned to treat myself to a
lie-in after the previous days travails. But I was awake at 06:45 (05:45 UK
First order of the day was a shower, shave and get those
teeth cleaned – would there be hot water There was! 20-minutes later I was
feeling human again.
Plan for the day:
- Unpack
- Go shopping at the local Intermarche
- Make up a couple of extension cables
- Vacuum the house top to bottom (literally, the ceiling and walls would get vacuumed to to get rid of cobwebs)
- See how I felt (I was going to take it steady after yesterday’s adventures).
As I was unpacking, the doorbell went.
It was our new queen size bed from Amazon – strange as only
yesterday I had had an email notification that it would arrive next Wednesday.
Later in the day an RCD device I’d ordered from Amazon was pushed through the
door – they had told me that would come on Monday (BTW, today is Saturday).
We had decided to ‘treat’ ourselves to a big bed. Having the
blank canvas that the French home provides, it gives us the opportunity to do
things with this house that are hard to justify with our fully furnished home
back in the UK.
With the bed here, the plans for the day change before thaey
have barely started. Now they were:
- Unpack
- Go shopping at the local Intermarche
- Make up a couple of extension cables
- · Vacuum the first floor
- Build the bed
- Vacuum the rest of the house top to bottom if I feel up to it (as I sit here typing at 18:45, I can tell you this didn’t happen).
With the exception of the last item, things went pretty much
to plan.
I stocked up with enough food for around 4-days and bought a
couple of tampons (snigger – that’s French for plug) and a few other items.
Back home I met Pirette our neighbour and we had a nice chat
(despite her having no English and me little French). I greeted her with an
air-kiss – I hope that was OK and that I did it right, being a 57-year-old
Englishman, it’s not something I’m comfortable with – which cheek do you go for
first? Does it matter??
Next it was time to put the French tampons on my English
extension cables. This was a genius idea of my neighbours. I had bought a
belt-sander with an English plug but, on reading the instructions, it said do
not use an adaptor (my first plan) and not to tamper with the plug (that was 'Plan B' blown out of the water – I was going to cut the original plug off and
add a French one. When I asked my electrician neighbour which of those plans
was the lesser of two evils, he suggested fitting a French plug to an English
extension cable – the perfect solution (and flexible too – so I made two).
After this it was out with the vacuum and cleaning the rooms on
the first floor – with a break mid-way for lunch. Once the floors (and walls
and ceilings) were clean (relatively speaking). It was time to build the
flat-pack bed. Whilst somewhat back breaking and time consuming that was
straightforward (even all the screws were there 😊).
Our new bed |
A quick Skype call to Sally to show off my handiwork and
that was it. Not quite hungry enough for dinner yet, I got out the laptop out to
finish yesterday’s blog and write up today's.
Now I am hungry enough, so off to the microwave and my Tajine
de Boeuf ready-meal.
Oh. before I sign-off, I tried a new cheese at lunch today.
It is very creamy with a consistency not that far from clotted cream. At first, I was a little disappointed as it
was fairly bland – but, with each mouthful, the taste seemed to intensify and I
found myself actually really liking it – if you fancy trying it, it is called Saint-Félicien.
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Saint-Felicien Not the exact cheese i bought but you can see how creamy it is |
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