She's Abandoned Me! 30 June, 2019

July was special last yea. But this year, not only will Sally be with me for Bastille Day, we'll be joined for that weekend, by Natasha, Tom and Serena (daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter). I'll be there for a fortnight but lucky Sally has resigned from work last week and would like to spend a chunk of the Summer in France. She finished work on Friday and yesterday, Saturday, I drove her to East Midlands Airport to fly out as the advance party. It was with some trepidation that she headed off on her first solo visit. Would the flight be delayed? Would it be easy to get a taxi to the train station, would she get there on time? If not, would she miss the last train? Would she be able to turn the water and electric on? Would there be maggots in the fridge as there was for me on one of my solo visits? If things went horribly wrong, this would almost certainly be her last solo visit. If they went well... who knows, perhaps she'll visit a number of time this year whilst...