We Have French Bank Account! (March 2018)
Today was the day for our telephone appointment with BritLine. You may recall we had submitted, over the internet, several documents they required and they had very quickly confirmed all was in order and that a telephone interview was the next step. So, just a few minutes beyond the appointed time the phone rang and MΓ©gane introduced herself as our personal advisor. She asked us to describe our project and, based on this information, proceeded to explain how the account would work. The main points were: Credit Agricole is a regional bank and BritLine are based in Normandy. As we are in the Limousin, we will be able to use local branches for deposits and withdrawals but they will have no access to our account information - I was aware of this so it was not a problem. The chequebook was free, there is no maximum limit but we must have the funds to cover any cheque(s) issued - and they don't need to be presented for over a year (one year and eight days to be precis...